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Color of the Week (Nothing Rhymes with Purple)
Words and Music © 2017 Kayte Deioma, BMI

One of my favorite colors is red
It looks like a fire truck and rhymes with bed.
One of my favorite colors is yellow
It looks like a lemon and it rhymes with marshmallow

But Purple, purple, nothing rhymes with purple.
Purple, purple is totally unique.
Purple plums, purple grapes, nothing rhymes with purple.
So Purple is my favorite color of the week.

One of my favorite colors is Green.
It looks like the grass and it rhymes with bean.
One of my favorite colors is blue.
It looks like the sky and it rhymes with shoe.

But orange, orange, nothing rhymes with orange.
orange, orange, is totally unique.
orange pumpkins, orange oranges, nothing rhymes with orange.
So orange is my favorite color of the week.

One of my favorite colors is black.
It looks like a crow and it rhymes with quack.
One of my favorite colors is white.
It looks like the snow and it rhymes with night.

But silver, silver, nothing rhymes with silver
silver, silver, is totally unique.
silver tea pots, silverware, nothing rhymes with silver.
So silver is my favorite color of the week.

Classroom Notes

Color of the Week is great for learning and practicing colors and rhymes. It is an interactive song where children can volunteer their favorite color, something that is that color and something that rhymes with the color word for each verse, so the song changes every time you sing it. For younger children, you can use picture prompts with a color chart and subsets of items of different colors. You can also prompt a list of rhyming words for them to choose from.

You can make up each verse as you go, or select all the pieces in advance on a white board or flip chart and sing it through together in one go.