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Pirates Are People Too
Words and Music © 2012 Kayte Deioma, BMI
Find it on Amazon, iTunes, Spotify

Everyone knows that Pirates are bad guys.
They always do bad stuff.
They might sink your ship or steal all your treasure.
They think they're really tough.
But pirates have moms and pirates have dads,
And some have kids like you,
So even though they've been really bad,
Pirates are people too.

When I get big, I'll catch all those bad guys,
The captain and all his crew.
I could sink their ship or make them walk the plank
And drown in the ocean blue.
But I'll give them time out and send them to jail
To pay for the bad things they do.
'Cause even though they've been really bad,
Pirates are people too.

'Cause pirates have moms and pirates have dads
And some have kids like you.
So even though they've been really bad,
Pirates are people too.

When I get big, I'll catch all those bad guys,
The captain and all his crew.
I could sink their ship or make them walk the plank
And drown in the ocean blue.
But I'll give them time out and send them to jail
To pay for the bad things they do.
'Cause even though they've been really bad,
Pirates are people! Pirates are people! Pirates are people too!
Yes, Pirates are people! Pirates are people! Pirates are people too!

Notes on Pirates Are People Too

Pirates Are People Too was inspired by a discussion with my nephew. When he was five, he called me on the phone to tell me that when he grew up, he would catch all the pirates and make them walk the plank before sinking their ship. As the environmentalist that I am, I suggested that sinking a ship was really big litter in the ocean and that the fish might not appreciate having dead pirates floating around in the water. So we discussed alternate methods of punishing pirates. He concluded that installing big cages on his ship so he could capture the pirates and take them to jail would be a good solution.

This song addresses consequences for bad behavior. A complementary discussion might ask kids to rate how "bad" particular pirate behaviors (or kid behaviors) are, and what punishments they would rate. Between telling a lie, stealing a treasure or sinking a ship, which would rate a time-out versus jail time, for example?

Pirates are People Too also introduces the concept of having compassion for people who do bad things, even while they are getting consequences for bad behavior. It reinforces the idea that you can punish the behavior, while still loving the person, whether you're talking about a child whose parents will still love him or her despite them getting in trouble, or a child still loving a parent who has "bad behavior" or may even be incarcerated.